
Tip: Use lefthook help or lefthook <command> -h/--help to discover available commands and their options

lefthook install

lefthook install creates an empty lefthook.yml if a configuration file does not exist and updates git hooks to use lefthook. Run lefthook install after cloning the git repo.

Note: NPM package lefthook installs the hooks in a postinstall script automatically

lefthook uninstall

lefthook uninstall clears git hooks affected by lefthook. If you have lefthook installed as an NPM package you should remove it manually.

lefthook add

lefthook add pre-commit will create a file .git/hooks/pre-commit. This is the same lefthook does for install command but you don't need to create a configuration first.

To use custom scripts as hooks create the required directories with lefthook add pre-commit --dirs.


$ lefthook add pre-push --dirs

Describe pre-push commands in lefthook.yml:

      runner: bash

Edit the script:

$ vim .lefthook/pre-push/

Run git push and lefthook will run bash as a pre-push hook.

lefthook run

lefthook run executes the commands and scripts configured for a given hook. Generated hooks call lefthook run implicitly.


# lefthook.yml

      run: yarn lint --fix

      run: yarn test

Install the hook.

$ lefthook install

Run test.

$ lefthook run test # will run 'yarn test'

Commit changes.

$ git commit # will run pre-commit hook ('yarn lint --fix')

Or run manually also

$ lefthook run pre-commit

You can also specify a flag to run only some commands:

$ lefthook run pre-commit --commands lint

and optionally run either on all files (any {staged_files} placeholder acts as {all_files}) or a list of files:

$ lefthook run pre-commit --all-files
$ lefthook run pre-commit --file file1.js --file file2.js

(if both are specified, --all-files is ignored)

lefthook version

lefthook version prints the current binary version. Print the commit hash with lefthook version --full


$ lefthook version --full

1.1.3 bb099d13c24114d2859815d9d23671a32932ffe2

lefthook self-update

lefthook self-update updates the binary with the latest lefthook release on Github. This command is available only if you install lefthook from sources or download the binary from the Github Releases. For other ways use package-specific commands to update lefthook.

lefthook validate

lefthook validate loads JSON schema from the Github repo and validates you main lefthook config (e.g. lefthook.yml) and secondary configs (lefthook-local.yml, configs from extends and remotes). Use lefthook dump to get the full config and locate the issue.

lefthook dump

lefthook dump prints the merged config. This is the actual config lefthook uses, it can be build from the main config (lefthook.yml), remotes, extends, and lefthook-local.yml overrides.